Life Lately | Looking back on 2015 & 2016 Goals
I definitely sat here for a good while thinking of all the good and bad that happened in 2015, as well as some goals to have for 2016. In 2014, I lost 2 loved ones and felt like my world stopped spinning and hit a wall - I felt overly pessimistic about the world and about life in general. Looking back, 2015 felt like one hell of a ride. I had the pleasure of working alongside one best friend, traveling to Europe with my other best friend (the boy), and having the courage to create this space. Although in the midst of all the excitement, I definitely had my share of downs. That's life - take it and enjoy the ride. I can't help but feel that next year will be an even more interesting one for me. I'll be starting a new job in January, traveling to the UK in the Spring, and mid-year I'll officially be entering my mid 20s.
Looking forward, I do have a few goals, some for myself and some for this little space on the internet.
On the personal front:
1. Upping my health game. I haven't regularly exercised since before I trekked to Europe, and it's about time that I get back into a regular routine. Here's looking at you barre classes - imma comin' to tuck and lift!
2. Cooking more often. This is one my boyfriend will probably laugh at and hold me accountable for. We're pretty lousy at cooking as we opt to eat out for ease of convenience. Ironically I'm feeling the most healthy in years, and really want to keep it going.
3. Being more conscious of my belongings and spending. Living at home it's easy to add to my personal stash, whether it be makeup, clothes, or trips. I have less bills to pay and sometimes go overboard with purchasing new items and general treating myself. I really want to do a mass purge to rid myself of junk I'm clinging on to - I'm looking at you high school memorabilia, and create a space that is more clutter free. Kon-Mari method, please work for me. With that I also want to be more selective of the things I do pick up and overall learn to be a more financially responsible adult - perhaps it's time to better look at investments and stocks.
#2015bestnine - follow along on IG @cindyhyue
On the blog front:
1. Being more active within the blogging community on all fronts of social media. After all these years I've bit the bullet and finally joined Twitter. (I'm still getting the hang of it so bear with me.) And I'm trying to become more active on Instagram. I'm even considering making a separate Instagram than my personal one - I feel bad for all my guy friends whose feeds I bombard with beauty photos haha.
2. Upping my blogging game: mainly posting more regularly and improving my photography. Since I started this space I've been posting every Wednesday, but I'll be switching to posting every Tuesday and Thursday to get more content out there and allow it to be better spaced out on a regular basis. Photography is quite a large part of any blog, and it's what helps draw people in - in my opinion anyways. As much as I love the standard white background for photos, I'd love pick up more props and accessories to mix it up with my photos. I also want to pick up new lenses, but want to master using my DSLR first.
3. Really touching base on other areas of blogging. I'm hoping to finalize my Europe travel series, maybe create city guides, and overall just capture my life as it happens so I can look back and reminisce on all that I experience. Very much like an online diary that all of you can read along on. Let the good times roll, ay?
What are some of your best memories from 2015 and goals for 2016?