Chicago Photo Diary
Photo Diaries have become one of my favorite types of posts to put together. I visited Chicago, Illinois back in August as somewhat of a spontaneous trip with my boyfriend. He got flown out for work so we decided that I would join him and we'd extend his trip through the weekend. Before 2015 I wasn't a big traveler, with trips spaced far and between. I've definitely got quite the travel bug, and as short and spontaneous of a trip this was, I'm so very glad I got the chance to visit.
I love that the city felt so wide and spread out, there were so many different "neighborhoods" that I didn't visit nearly enough of it. In some ways it reminded me of Edinburgh where the city, in some areas, had dual levels and tons of steps everywhere. My boyfriend and I definitely had our fair share of getting lost but that's part of what makes traveling so much more meaningful. Seeing parts of a city that you otherwise would not see - including a french bulldog which I pretty much lost my mind over (he loved me and was very excited to see me).
This one's a bit of a long one - enjoy! (Hint hint - you may even see some snippets of me which is a rare thing on this online space of mine.
Whew - that was a long one. I'm a bit tuckered out - just like this adorable meerkat that was just chillin' at the zoo. If only I could sit around like this little fella' all day long.
Chicago was such a beautiful city and there was so much to see. So much that's different than my usual surroundings in California. I was fortunate enough not to visit during crazy Winter cold, and I got to taste a bit of mid-west humidity (and even random rain showers). The food was amazing, the architecture and history was out of this world, and my feet ached (in a good way) from all the exploring I did. There are so many other places on my list to visit, but I will definitely be making my way back to this city eventually.
Have you ever visited Chicago? What were some of your favorite places to visit?