Life Lately: Birthday Weekend
Happy Monday everyone!
Last weekend was my birthday and it was quite a memorable one. It wasn't a typical birthday filled weekend with parties, cakes, balloons, or presents. It was quite a "grown-up" celebration weekend, starting off with an Ed Sheeran concert (holy amazing) and a night out in the city (San Francisco). For my workplace, we're given the option to take the day off for our birthdays (which I gladly did) and I got to have a wonderful and relaxing 3 day weekend.
Let me just start by saying Ed Sheeran is a musical genius. He is truly gifted and I thoroughly enjoyed his 2 hour set. I would see him again if I ever had the chance to. Ed (yeah, let's go with a first-name basis) performed using a looper machine, recording down bits of each song with his voice and guitar alone, recreating each song to it's wonderful and captivating tune. Let's just say that I was absolutely entranced the entire concert, and I never wanted it to end. Definite withdrawals happened the next morning and continue to happen now. His soundtrack on Spotify will never compare to him performing live.

The next night we went out in San Francisco to eat at House of Prime Rib for dinner! Now I am a definite meatitarian, I love me a good steak and I have been wanting to try House of Prime Rib for basically my entire life. My boyfriend is the sweetest and made reservations for us to eat here - now we made our reservations back in January of this year. And for a Saturday night all we could land was a 9:30PM reservation - ab-so-lute-ly ridiculous. But was it worth it? Hell. Yes. If you're ever in the city and are looking for a delicious dinner, I highly recommend it. But definitely plan for it.
I was also so fortunate to have the following weekend (this past weekend) as July 4 so I got to have two 3 day weekends in a row -BAM. How I will return to 5 day work weeks again I do not know. I'm feeling reminiscent of my senior year in college when I had 4 days of school and 3 day weekends every weekend - that was the life. This past weekend was a weekend full of relaxation, BBQs, and a ton of Netflix. I've been catching up on shows and per the recommendation of my boyfriend, I resumed watching and completed all of Marco Polo. Now if you're semi into the historical aspect of the show, it is really entertaining. It is a bit slow to start, but you will feel the urge to keep watching to see how it all ends.
A few months back my boyfriend and I were planning on taking a trip to Asia and requested (and were approved) for a few weeks off. Unfortunately with the current MERS situation in Asia, we had to put a halt on those plans. HOWEVER, we welcomed the change of plans and are now traveling to Europe for 2 1/2 weeks as we found that flights were ridiculously cheap. Like 1/3 the cost of usual flights - so it was a definite must. This is going to be my first time in Europe *literally squealing from excitement*, so if any of you have suggestions or recommendations for places in France, Italy, or Spain, please let me know!